
Hello there, welcome to my blog.

I just started to acknowledge God’s blessing which I never thought I had and use it in action. I am not a professional writer, but I enjoy sharing stories. Everyone has stories to tell, we just have to be brave to share them. So, here I am, ready to share my stories and hope to hear stories from everyone. Let’s share the love!

Okay, let’s start with me.

Originally from Indonesia, currently living in the United States. I am a precious daughter of God. I was saved and shaped by God’s grace during my teenage years. He found me right where I was. What a blessing!! God loves me just as I am.

My late husband passed away in March 2015. I am currently juggling between my four-year-old daughter, school, a part-time job and social life. I live my life knowing that God’s got my back and all I have to do is to trust and cling on to Him. I hope you find peace and comfort in Him and enjoy my blog.

God bless! ❤

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